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Maht is [typed str=”based in Chicago|a left-brained creative|passionate|motivated|skilled|a lethally quick study|inquisitive|a problem solver|a detail noticer|an avid reader|a collaborative teammate|a natural leader|a music geek|a language lover”]

From local business to national brands, Maht has experience with catalogs, email blasts, brochures, textbooks, and a bunch of other projects, large and small. He loves collaborating with a team, directing photo shoots, and learning new things.
He’s not a huge fan of writing about himself in the third person.



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Featured Clients

I’ve been privileged to work with some great companies. Some of them are listed below. Click on the logo to see some samples.

[brands-list][brands-item href=”https://mahtw.com/portfolio/popcornfactory/” image=”https://mahtw.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/TPF_logo-2.jpg”] [brands-item href=”https://mahtw.com/portfolio/ultabeauty/” image=”https://mahtw.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ulta-logo.jpg”] [brands-item href=”https://mahtw.com/portfolio/cushingprint/” image=”https://mahtw.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/CushingSubHeader-1.jpg”]



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